Friday, October 16, 2009

Hidden admin shares


Windows 2000, Windows XP and WinNT automatically setup hidden admin shares (admin$, c$ and d$), this registry key will disable these hidden shares.

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ LanmanServer\ Parameters]
Value Name: AutoShareWks
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disable shares, 1 = enable)

This registry key actually stops the recreation of the shares, therefore it may be necessary to delete the shares through the drive properties also or you can also remove the shares through the Computer Management Console.


1. In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.

2. Click to expand Shared Folders, and then click Shares.

3. In the Shared Folder column, right-click the share you want to delete, click Stop sharing, and then click OK.

Note : To remove the admin share for only the current session use the second method (Computer Management console), if you want a permanent removal, add the AutoShareWks registry.


Rename File Extension


How to Rename File Extensions ??

A lot of people here may ask how to rename a file extension in windows; well it’s very simple and takes little of your time. There are two ways to rename a file extension ‘without’ a stupid program.

Number 1, Folder Options:

Go into your Control Panel, in my case I use Windows XP so I would press [Start then Control Panel]. Now that you figured out how to get in Control Panel open “Folder Options” and click the view tab and make sure ‘Hide file extensions for know files’ is not selected, then press Ok.

Now go into a folder and notice you can see your files extensions, rename them to whatever you'd like, for instance:

coba.exe to coba.Anonymous / Etc,Etc,Etc

Number 2, MS-DOS:

The difference between renaming files in DOS is that you can rename multiple files rather then one at a time, therefore making time gracious. Here I’ll provide you a few examples.

Go to your start menu and open run, then type “cmd” without parenthesis. Ok you’re in MS-DOS right? Geesh common man I know a 5 year old that can do it. Ok good your in? Excellent… Ok now find out which directory has your files and type:


cd C:\Files\

In your case “C:\Files\” may not exist, so type in the directory that your have you files in. If everything goes will dos will look kinda like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\User>cd C:\Files\

If all fails, you perhaps didn’t type in the correct folder/name and it will look like this:

C:\Documents and Settings\User> >cd C:\Filse\
The system cannot find the path specified.

Did you get in the directory yet????? If not I recommend you stick with the first step and hang yourself. Oh your in? OK COOL, type: dir and you will be provided with what files are in your folder, including their extensions. In my case:

Volume in drive C has no dildo.
Volume Serial Number is CXXX-XXXX

Directory of C:\Files

02/01/2005  07:22 PM    <DIR>          .
02/01/2005  07:22 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/31/2005  06:40 PM            14,336 stf.bmp
01/31/2005  06:40 PM            14,336 stf02.bmp
               2 File(s)         28,672 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  39,024,766,976 bytes free


Did you notice how I had two files named stf. Since both of these files have the same extension, *.bmp they can be renamed all together. If there are other files in there witht he same extension and you don't want to rename them, move them to another folder and / or directory.

Last but not least, after listening to my horrific grammar type:

C:\Files>ren *.bmp *.rar

And your results are:

Volume in drive C has no penis.
Volume Serial Number is CXXX-XXXX

Directory of C:\Files

02/01/2005  07:37 PM    <DIR>          .
02/01/2005  07:37 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/31/2005  06:40 PM            14,336 stf.rar
01/31/2005  06:40 PM            14,336 stf02.rar
               2 File(s)         28,672 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  39,024,676,864 bytes free



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wi-fi Filtering


Most Wi-Fi access points and routers ship with a feature called hardware or MAC address filtering. This feature is normally turned "off" by the manufacturer, because it requires a bit of effort to set up properly. However, to improve the security of your Wi-Fi LAN (WLAN), strongly consider enabling and using MAC address filtering.

Without MAC address filtering, any wireless client can join (authenticate with) a Wi-Fi network if they know the network name (also called the SSID) and perhaps a few other security parameters like encryption keys. When MAC address filtering is enabled, however, the access point or router performs an additional check on a different parameter. Obviously the more checks that are made, the greater the likelihood of preventing network break-ins.

To set up MAC address filtering, you as a WLAN administrator must configure a list of clients that will be allowed to join the network. First, obtain the MAC addresses of each client from its operating system or configuration utility. Then, they enter those addresses into a configuratin screen of the wireless access point or router. Finally, switch on the filtering option.

Once enabled, whenever the wireless access point or router receives a request to join with the WLAN, it compares the MAC address of that client against the administrator's list. Clients on the list authenticate as normal; clients not on the list are denied any access to the WLAN.

MAC addresses on wireless clients can't be changed as they are burned into the hardware. However, some wireless clients allow their MAC address to be "impersonated" or "spoofed" in software. It's certainly possible for a determined hacker to break into your WLAN by configuring their client to spoof one of your MAC addresses. Although MAC address filtering isn't bulletproof, still it remains a helpful additional layer of defense that improves overall Wi-Fi network security.

Do not confuse MAC address filtering with content filtering. Content filtering on a wireless access point or router allows administrators to maintain a list of Web site URLs or addresses that should not be accessed from the home WLAN.